
The Parody Pages - Original Humor and Fun


Privacy Statement - Privacy Statement - The Parody Pages respects your computer and your privacy. The Parody Pages will never direct your browser to sites you do not want to visit. We will never fill your E-mail box with Spam of any kind. The Forms in the parodies collect no information at all, we never even see what you type, they are for fun only! If you choose to fill out the form to let you know when the site is updated, you will get a notice when the site is updated and nothing else!!! We will not change or interfere with your start up page. We will not use pop up ads to force you to visit our sponsors. Nothing you download from us will contain any Spyware, Adware, Virus or anything that changes any part of your system.

The Parody Pages started with The Kick Ass, Post Apocalyptic Doomsday Cult Of Love. The Cult started because a long time ago my ex-roommate Pete and I drew up a personal ad for a meglomaniacal cult leader. Years later I found the paper and thought it was funny. I decided to get some friends together and put it on the internet. The rest is history!

It costs money to run this site. I will not resort to any tricks like pop-ups or redirects to make this site pay for itself. So if you like it, and can afford it, please donate or shop at my sponsors. As of 5-3-2003 this site has not made a cent. Please help support Original Humor on the Internet

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