is where you start REDUCING baby's need for full time diapers!


Learn Elimination Communication with your baby (Infant Potty Training)- a natural alternative to potty / toilet training. Part time diaper free! is dedicated to helping you reduce your diaper use as you gently, naturally and gradually practice Elimination Communication with your baby, and discover the joys of doing so! Part Time Diaper Free is a site dedicated to helping you to reduce your reliance on full-time diapers.

I'll help you to develop your diaper-free confidence with my fun (and free!) guided tour of part-time elimination communication, the 7 Secrets.

EC is a gentle practice helping you deepen your conscious understanding of your relationship with your baby, supporting a secure attachment. Re-discover this ancient and alternative way of managing your baby's hygiene needs, while using diapers as backup*


Practicing EC means REDUCING your use of diapers gradually. 'No diapers allowed' is not true...

  • Like using modern cloth diapers, it's also addictive and a lot of fun![[Category:]]

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