
Perfect Pjs Luxury Childrens Pajamas and Play Clothes: Perfect PJs - Home


As a parent of three children, I discovered that limited high quality sleepwear options exist for young kids. Over several years, I experimented with various brands from numerous sources and developed a point of view about what constitutes the "perfect pj."

So, what is the perfect pj? The answer is definitely not one size fits all. In the dresser, or behind the pillow of most kids' beds lies one favorite pair of pjs. While there may be emergency back-up pajamas in the bedroom, most kids gravitate to one special pair that is worn almost nightly until the season changes or the garment becomes so fatigued that a parent insists on replacing it. Children will tell you that their favorite pjs hold that status because they are comfortable and they look good.

There are varied interpretations of what constitutes comfort in children's sleepwear and offers a range to meet children's diverse needs. First, there are high-quality pure cotton pajamas that are not treated with flame retardants and must be sized snugly to meet Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) standards. These are wonderful for many children but can be too snug for certain body types, particularly after many washings. A second option is beautiful 100% cotton sleepwear that is treated for flammability per CPSC regulations and allows for a looser fit. The third alternative is extremely handsome flame resistant polyester in very stylish designs found typically at fine department stores and exclusive boutiques.

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