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Maroc Liberté, Radio Islam, Ahmed RAMI, Faisal Al Kasim, AL JAZEERA TV CHANNEL, - , , . Morocco. Maghreb, Monde arabe. Palestine. Islam. Farrakhan. Judaïsme, Sionisme. Pour: un Front Islamique de liberation du Maroc. Pour une révolution islamique pourlaliberté au Maroc. Pour un mouvement islamique uni auMaroc.Pour plus de liberté et moins d´interdits! Dansl´Islam: la liberté estla régle, l´interdit est l´exception.


When the Roman historian Tacitus pointed out 19 centuries ago that the Jews are unique among the peoples of the world in their intense hatred and contempt for all peoples but their own, he was only repeating what many other scholars had discovered before him. For the next 1,900 years other investigators came to similar conclusions, either from a study of the Jews' religious writings or from a study of the Jews' behavior toward non-Jews.

"Does not their Talmud say, and do not their rabbis write, that it is no sin to kill if a Jew kills a heathen, but it is a sin if he kills a brother in Israel? It is no sin if he does not keep his oath to a heathen. Therefore, to steal and rob, as they do with their usury, from a heathen is a divine service. For they hold that they cannot be too hard on us nor sin against us, because they are of the noble blood and circumcised saints; we, however, are cursed goyim. And they are the masters of the world, and we are their servants, yea, their cattle...

"Should someone think that I am saying too much, I am not saying too much, but much too little. For I see in their writings how they curse us goyim and wish us all evil in their schools and their prayers."

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This article and the website it describes are an example of extreme anti-Semitism (racial hatred of the Jewish people) and includes fabricated stories "facts" and "information" designed to foster Nazi-like anti-Semitism and racism. The article and its site are worth reading for scholarly purposes to better understand how the warped and sick minds of anti-Semites and other racists work. However, it is important to bear in mind that the photographs shown are deceptive, devious and doctored, and bare no real relation to the misleading text and accompanying "descriptions".

  • posted by Anonymous on Jan 10, 2007, 9:04 pm

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