
Redlands Naturopathic Clinic, Naturopath, Brisbane, Queensland


Gwynneth completed her Naturopathic and Herbal Medicine studies at the Australian College of Natural Medicine in 1994. Since this time, she has worked in the field of natural medicine using many different modalities to

treat all manner of illnesses and she believes that by stimulating people's awareness of their body / mind / attitudes, you can help them to create the pathway for their own well being and healing.

"Our body, being the wonderful entity that it is, always makes allowances and adjustments for the excesses that we place on it. Ultimately, the time will come when the body will signal it's disharmony through various signs and symptoms. These may take the form of headaches, constant fatigue, depression, hormonal disturbances, digestive disturbances, insomnia etc - the list goes on and on - all signs of the 'walking wounded'! By working with natural remedies, it is possible to correct these imbalances before they develop into full blown 'diseases'.

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