
Redwood SportsMed - Sports Medicine Therapy Supplies and Equipment



Jacksonville FL
United States 32246


SpanData, Inc.
Jacksonville FL
United States 32225


Redwood SportsMed was established in 1997. With Ira's roots deeply entrenched in the world of professional sports franchises with 20 years of experience specializing in sports medicine supplies and equipment, Redwood SportsMed has built upon that foundation. With an attitude of giving back is a great feeling; Redwood SportsMed offers quality products at fair prices. Our customers know that if we cannot deliver a quality product at a fair price they will be told that up front.

This is how we are continuing to build Redwood SportsMed. We don't have sales people out on the streets; instead we are growing through networking. Our customers are referred to us, and it's working.

Thank you for visiting our website. Please see for yourself if we can meet the grade. Life is too short to sweat the small stuff. Patronizing Redwood SportsMed will be an experience that you'll want to tell others about. Enjoy your visit to our site and if there are any questions we can answer for you, please contact us.

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