
Relatives Remembered - Quality Genealogical Research Service



Relatives Remembered is dedicated to the purpose of providing quality genealogical research service. The company uses the theme “Personalized Genealogical Service”. A lot of emphasis is put on quick response time and regular client updates. It is the company’s intention to stay small and personal so as to concentrate on the needs of each client.

Location and Hours

Relatives Remembered is located in Salt Lake City, close to the main Family History Library in downtown Salt Lake City; this makes records for genealogical research easily accessible. Hours of research are on an “as needed” basis. The owner spends time at the library regularly (at least once a week).

What you can expect

When you contact Relatives Remembered for genealogical research assistance, please have the family information you wish to discuss available. It is very important that we discuss what is known, or verifiable, about you family as apposed to what may be family lore. It would be even better if you are able to provide public record sources (where the information was found) for proof of accuracy. Relatives Remembered will then take the time to go to the Family History Library and find out about the probability of success for your individual genealogical research project. You will then be contacted and be able to make an informed decision concerning if you would like the research project to go forth. Relatives Remembered will be happy to answer all of your questions at that time.

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Hong Kong 3705

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