
Quality Traditional, Comtemporary, and Flatweave Rugs -- Rugs of Kaibab


In the winter of 2001, my wife, Hilary and I moved to Madrid, Spain. We had just finished school and decided to start an adventure working overseas. We packed what little furniture we had and sent it sea freight to Europe. When we arrived we found an apartment and went furniture shopping. The furniture we ordered would take six to seven weeks to arrive and the shipment of our belongings would not arrive much sooner. Very quickly we realized that the hardwood floors in our apartment were called “hardwood” for a reason and eating in the bathroom so that one of us could sit on the toilet was going to get old fast.

So we ventured out into the streets and found a few oriental rugs stores. We looked at several rugs and decided to buy one. It was a 7 X 10 Persian rug and it improved the seating conditions dramatically. Later that year, my parents visited and for something to do, I took them rug shopping. Seven months earlier when Hilary and I purchased our first rug, my Spanish was good enough to get lost. Now, I could understand what was being said pretty well and found out that the rug we bought was actually twenty to thirty years old. Amazed and impressed that an oriental carpet could look new after that many years, I went home and inspected the rug and was again shocked to find that it was older than I had previously thought.

But the consequence of the second visit to the store was that I found the whole rug shopping experience to be a lot of fun. Shop owners and their employees would throw what I thought to be delicate, fragile oriental carpets from one pile to the next while I surveyed each in search of our next rug. It never happened. At the time, we didn’t have a lot of money to spend and the practicality of buying another rug was just not feasible, so I would have to leave it at the store. The result of all this was that I never ran out of reasons to go to an oriental rug shop.

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Robert Scott
Prescott Valley AZ
United States 86314

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