is a place to save wildlife.


NRDC BioGems - Save Endangered Wild Places


NRDC launched the BioGems Initiative in 2001 to mobilize concerned individuals in defense of exceptional and imperiled ecosystems. The initiative matches NRDC's courtroom and advocacy expertise with the passion and determination of citizen activists. These BioGems Defenders now number more than 550,000 and have sent more than 7 million messages to corporations and government officials calling for wildland protections. Together, we have achieved stunning successes.

In 2005 alone, BioGems Defenders rallied again and again to block the Bush administration's efforts to open wildlands to energy development and logging. Our activists helped persuade Congress to reject proposals for oil development in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. NRDC persuaded a federal appeals court to reject a Bush administration plan that would have allowed logging in 2.4 million acres of Alaska's Tongass National Forest. And an outcry from BioGems Defenders and other activists helped force the Forest Service to scale back a proposal to offer leases for oil and gas drilling in roadless areas of Wyoming's Bridger-Teton National Forest, part of our Yellowstone/Greater Rockies BioGem.

Citizen action also forced industry giants to the negotiating table in 2005. BioGems Defenders helped compel the giant paper company Bowater to agree to end its conversion of biologically diverse hardwood forests in the Cumberland Plateau into sterile pine plantations. And after NRDC mobilized BioGems Defenders on behalf of the vaquita marina, an endangered porpoise that survives only in Mexico's Upper Gulf of California, the country's chief shrimp exporter signed an agreement to prevent the accidental catch of the vaquita and to eliminate illegal fishing in the Upper Gulf.

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Natural Resources Defense Council
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