SERUAN GLOBAL (GLOBAL CALL) Website | International is an Islamic website that has the purpose to spread opinions about Sharia, Tawhid, Jihad, and the Caliphate. Called on Muslims around the world to return to Islamic life, called for implementation of Islamic sharia Kaffah and and re-establishing institutions of Muslim political power, the Islamic Khilafah.

This website is made by someone who have sympathy for the dakwa of the Liberation Party. URL : [[Category:Islam Kilafah Khalifah Islamic Free Gratis Ebook Buku Mahasiswa Pelajar Siswa Berita Kabar Radar Media Wisata Pantai Bupati Website Site Situs Forum Muhajirun Ansor Anshar International Palestina Irak Iran Afghanistan Gaza Santri Madrasah Batik Karapan Perputakaan Website Weblogs East Java Muslim]]

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