
Sheenan Funeral Home -- Providing Sensitive Service For Seven Decades


"The Funeral can only be completed once. Therefore, caring for the needs and wants of the families we serve with professional skill to bring them to a time of healing is our mission"

Sensitive Service, while being a primary reason for more people calling on this funeral home, is not the sole answer. Sheenan Funeral Home has been an active member of the community for over 70 years.

Sitting and waiting for people to call is not what Sheenan does. Seminars are offered throughout the year to senior citizens groups, on a variety of topics from financial planning to social security. They also hold workshops for professional care providers, the latest topic being on children and their grieving. Once a year before Christmas, Sheenan's hold a Holiday Memorial Tribute for anyone in the community who has had a recent loss. This allows families to hang a remembrance ornament on the memorial tree which stands in the lobby for all to see. All of the programs offered are extended to anyone who wishes to attend. Also, at the request of any organization or group, Sheenan Funeral Home would be more than happy to tailor a program specifically for that group.

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