is a civil construction company, based in Australia


Microtunnelling Technology-South East Qld Underroad Drillers


The Taylor Trust operates a civil construction and trenchless technology business, which trades as South East Qld Underroad Drillers (SEQUD). The business uses various methods to undertake excavation for the laying of public utilities such as water, gas and sewerage pipes and electrical cabling.

The business strives to offer the best options to the customer in the installation of public utilities. Accordingly, a considerable amount of money and effort has been invested to purchase various types of drilling and trenching equipment to ensure that no job is too large or too small. Customers can choose from a number of different drilling methods (as stated below) ensuring that all possible drilling and trenching needs can be met.

· Thrusting – pushing steel rods through the ground – an expanding bell is attached to end of rod and dragging it back through making a larger hole.

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