Signature Hardware - wfoot Tubs, Door Hardware, Lighting, Sinks


Signature Hardware


Signature Hardware prides itself on being the best in the business. That means we're dedicated to bringing you the high-quality products, competitive prices, and excellent customer service that you have come to know and love. We are passionate about discovering the most wonderful plumbing, hardware, and lighting fixtures from around the world and bringing those products to you.

We have thoughtfully selected the products we offer. All of the fixtures in our catalog and on our website have been carefully selected from a broad range of manufacturers. We stand behind the products we sell. As a result, you may shop with the confidence that the products you choose will function properly and maintain their beauty for years to come. We buy direct from the manufacturer and stock many of these fixtures in our warehouse. Because of this, we can usually ship the product within one to two business days of your order placement. We are experts at crating and packaging heavy items such as bathtubs, as well as shipping small, fragile items like porcelain doorknobs.

We have tailored every element of how we do business specifically to the particulars of selling decorative plumbing, hardware, and lighting fixtures online. From the features on our user-friendly website to how we ship our products, everything has been designed to give you the fastest and best possible service. We provide all of the information you will need to select the product that is right for you. We also provide information about product specifications, care, and installation. Most of this information is available on our web site. You can also call and speak to one of our knowledgeable customer service specialists, who work out of our company headquarters in the Cincinnati, OH area. Our customer service specialists are not in some "call center", but in our office.

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