
|► Socionics - The New Psychology ◄|


Because of various circumstances it took much longer than planned for the website to undergo its major facelift. It is nearly finished now, so please report any bugs, typos and errors you may encounter. Also, not every single part of the old has been converted, so if you think there is something that we've missed that we shouldn't have please let us know too.

There have been quite few useful changes made to the website. The Q&A section is back and it is better than ever. All the questions and answers are much easier to navigate. There is also a Q&A advanced search option using an innovative algorithm to find what you are looking for. You can now easily add your opinion to the discussed question as you go along. Updated Q&As appear on top of the Q&A page showing the time since the last update making it easier to follow the topic.

There is also an articles section. Those who wish to express their opinions and views or to share their experience and personal observations with others can now submit their articles for review.

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