Title : Society for General Microbiology


What is microbiology?

The science of microbiology covers a great diversity of life forms: disease-related molecular structures such as prions and viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa and algae. Microbes are of crucial importance in many processes affecting all life on Earth - the cause and control of disease, fertility of soils and aquatic environments, fermentation, biodegradation of waste materials and dead biomass, bioprocessing steps in drug and antibiotic production, and molecular biotechnology.

Some facts and figures

The Society for General Microbiology (SGM) was founded in 1945 and is now the largest microbiological society in Europe. It has over 5000 members of whom 75% are resident in the UK. The remainder are located in more than 60 countries throughout the world. Almost all full members are qualified to doctoral or higher level; there are 1000 postgraduate student members. Other classes of membership include Schools, Technicians and Corporate.

About our members

The SGM provides a common meeting ground for scientists working in research and in fields with applications in microbiology, including medicine, veterinary medicine, pharmaceuticals, numerous industries, agriculture, food, the environment and education. The majority of members are employees of universities, research institutes, health services, government agencies and small to multinational companies.

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