
'Add your news! ===

February 2008

Solseed Movement

  • I would like to bring to the attention of the members of the Solseed Movement, the Space Settlement section of the website of the National Space Society. Nearly all material concerning Space Settlement (almosty 20,000 pages), that is not proprietary or classified, is included.

Mark Hopkins

What about a free escrow service?

Dear Brandon CS Sanders, as you are the chief architect of AboutUs, you and the friendly and constructive people here on the site might be interested in this idea, to strengthen the role of AboutUs as a global player. So I bought, what could perfectly align with the ideas in the field. Looking for active partners to CreateAndShareWealth. FreeEscrow. --fridemar 15:21, 24 February 2008 (PST)

January 2008

August 2007

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