
SU Scotland


Our history...

Scripture Union traces its origins back to 1867 when a young man called Josiah Spiers shared the Gospel with children on the beach at Llandudno. Reaching the children & young people where they are has remained at the centre of SU's ministry which today encompasses over 100 nations worldwide. Alongside the emphasis on evangelism is the twin aim of encouraging daily Bible reading amongst people of all ages. Although SU started in the 19th century in Britain, the start of the 21st century finds it in many Third World countries with large national movements particularly in Africa.

One of SU's strengths has been the ability to allow the development of ministries within different countries appropriate to their culture. In Scotland, this has lead to the growth of school's work with around 15,000 children and young people involved on a weekly basis. Camps and holiday missions reach another 8,000+ each year with literature ministry and the Training Department supporting the work of SU and the church as a whole.

SU aims to encourage young people to take their place in the church and sees itself as the servant of the church rather than the substitute for it.



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