
Dog leashes dog leash connectors and couplers, Super Leash Web Site And Online Store, information.

Description customers are usually the more active pet owners. We all love our animals and want the most enjoyment from the time we spend together. Everybody should know by now about the health benefits of walking. More than just physical health, walking freshens the mind, heightens our senses, and livens up the spirit for both pet and master. All very positive things. If you are just getting into walking with your pet, start with small walks in an enclosed school or park and work your way up to your desired goal. If you have a health condition see your doctor first. The Super Dog Leash can make your walks fantastic, but it can't think for you. Be Safe, Be Smart, Enjoy!

The Super Dog Leash (also called "Super Leash") is about creating the most Comfort, Power, Control and Safety with the highest quality standards and best value possible to dog and animal loving people. This patented exciting leash works through the simple but effective scientific principle of leverage. Your strength is substantially maximized. Super Leash is perfectly center balanced for hand and wrist position. A very important benefit because it gives your whole body superior balance and greater endurance to walk or train your dog. The increased level of comfort and power is remarkable! In fact, people with arthritis and tendonitis love Super Leash's patented comfort and power-amplifying design. It makes dog walking much more enjoyable!

Traditional style leashes are the simple belt or rope types that have remained pretty much the same for hundreds, even thousands of years. They do what they are suppose to do and no more. They weren't meant to support your hand at all. They can squeeze, blister, even cut and burn fingers in extreme situations. Usually, trying to get a better grip means wrapping the leash around your hand, wrist, and or fingers. Compared to Super Leash's hand-guard frame and cushion-grip that completely supports your hand, there really isn't any comparison. Of course we make fine quality traditional leashes if that's what you like. We want to help you and your Best-Friend(s) to keep on walking !

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