TagZaniA.com is a place where people can create a map & share with others


Tagzania: tagging the planet


What is this?

Tagzania is about tags and places. If you register and log in, you can add places, points, to create and document your maps. When you add a point, you may tag it with keywords. That way, Tagzania is not only a place to build and keep your own maps, shared territories are created as well.

News and interaction

Join the Tagzania mailing-list to interact in the conversation between users and developers. More info here. Some users and promoters of Tagzania have achieved diplomatic status due to their contributions. You can be one of them!


While navigating in certain mapping sites (Google Maps, MSN Virtual Earth, Multimap...), you can click on the specific bookmarklet and save the location you are viewing in your Tagzania account. Bookmarklets work only for registered users. More info.

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Azitaingo Industrialdea 3-K,
Eibar , E-20600 SPAIN



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