
The Adventure Outfitters,


T he Adventure Outfitters (TAO) is a Halifax, Nova Scotia based outdoor gear store that caters to people who enjoy taking part in wilderness-based recreational activities. TAO takes it's motto of "We provide the gear. Nature provides the rest" very seriously. We believe that equipment affordability is very important in our mission to encourage people to get outside, and stay outside. Although TAO is a small retail store, we strive to offer our customers the very best prices in the city.

At the moment, our site on the world wide web is structured to give you ideas and examples of what items we have available in store. As such, we encourage you to contact us to learn more about a product you're interested in, or if there is something you're looking for that we don't have listed, please ask - there are many more items in our retail location. Our website is under constant development, and as we expand we will have a complete product catalog. Please bear with us during our "virtual" expansion process.




The Adventure Outfitters
Darmouth Nova Scotia
Canada B3B 1C2

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