
Join AboutUs!

Creating your account/login is the first step to editing and fully using AboutUs. It's completely free and simple to set up, and it is your login that allows you to edit pages here at AboutUs.

How to Create an Account


Your account on AboutUs also allows you to customize your preferences, set watchlists, track what pages you've worked on, upload pictures, and more.

Creating an account is easy!

  • At the upper-right hand corner of every page, you'll find a link that says Sign Up! - click this link.
  • You should get a window that looks something like this:
Create Your Account - AboutUs Wiki Page.jpg

Fill in the information it asks for and click "Create Account". Please note:

  • Name: This is asking for your real name, not the name of your company.
  • E-mail: This email address will be used to let you know if a page that you are "watching" is edited by someone other than you, to re-send your password should you forget it, and as a way for other editors to privately contact you. Your email address will never be visible to someone else.
  • CAPTCHA: Type the words that you see in the image. This demonstrates that you're a real live person and not a bot.

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