
We welcome you to become an AboutUs community member. The first step is to create a user page. The first step in creating a user page is to enter your name.

We would like to suggest that you use your real name rather than a made up identity.

Like in any community, it's easier to "Assume Good Faith" and build trust when you are interacting with a person. It just feels different to interact with real people rather than faceless pseudonyms like "3l337ninja".

For this reason, we encourage those who would like to join the community to share a bit about themselves. Becoming a CommunityMember is easy and fun and recognized by others when you:

  • Include your real name
  • Upload a photo
  • Indicate roughly where you live
  • Contribute to pages other than your own domain name on AboutUs.

If you'd like, create a user page now!

For more on using real names, check out:

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