
Vanessa Sheridan: The Leading Authority on Transgender in the Workplace


Vanessa Sheridan has been speaking, writing, and researching on transgender issues since 1991. She wrote the first book on transgender Christian spirituality--"Crossing Over: Liberating The Transgendered Christian"--ever to be printed by a major publishing house (the Pilgrim Press). She is also the co-author, with Virginia Ramey Mollenkott, Ph.D., of "Transgender Journeys." Both of these books were finalist for Lambda Literary Awards.

Knowledge is power, and power gives you the advantage. Vanessa’s work in the business world helps organizations to more fully understand their present and effectively envision their future.

Vanessa is currently in demand as an inspiring professional speaker, insightful corporate consultant, and premier transgender awareness trainer for businesses around the country.

No business can long afford to ignore the increasingly visible presence or the legitimate concerns of transgender workers. Vanessa is currently working on a book that will offer guidelines and practical information to help today's organizations deal with the complexities, intricacies and rewards that accompany the cutting-edge topic of transgender in the workplace.

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