
A ViralSpiral is a positive feedback loop that creates ExponentialGrowth in the number of engaged CommunityMembers. Our community products and projects should provide effective incentives and affordances for various phases in the ViralSpiral.

  1. CommunityMember notices a niche for a friend
  2. CommunityMember invites friend to occupy niche
  3. Friend accepts invitation
  4. Friend is "plugged in" to niche
  5. Friend expands role from niche into that of full CommunityMember
  6. Friend closes the loop


  1. niche already exists and is easily noticed
  2. easy to invite friend into that specific niche
  3. easy to accept whenever convenient
  4. immediately and automatically "plugged in" to the niche and the context around it
  5. enjoys niche enough to explore. enjoys exploration enough to expand role
  6. quickly notices niches for their own friends

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