is a virtual auction using the bid system to sell items


Bid Now 2 Get Free, is an online version of reverse auction, we offer a hand-picked range of popular and must have products, using our system, which is designed to generate grid with value, and also be great fun to use. Win your dream products by competing with others in a Low Unique Bid Auction. The bid must not only the low bid but its should also be the Lowest Unique bid. Lowest Unique Bid means the winning bid will be the one that is low as well as not matched by any other bid. About BidNow 2 GetFree:- It is an online version of reverse auction, we offer a hand-picked range of popular and must have products, using our system, which is designed to generate grid with value, and also be great fun to use. Win your dream products by competing with others in a Low Unique Bid Auction. The bid must not only the low bid but it should also be the Lowest Unique bid. Lowest Unique Bid means the winning bid will be the one that is low as well as not matched by any other bid. It is easy to start, so why wait, come and register yourself for an account ,it is free. Start bidding to win expensive products at a very low cost.

What is an Reverse Auction:- Reverse Auction is reverse method of normal auction.Here in this game who makes the lowest unique bid is the winner. There are several variations on the auction form, including time limits, minimum limits on bid prices, and special rules for determining the winning bidder and winning price. Participants in the auction will not get to know the identities or actions of other participants. In this online reverse auction bidders participate through the internet.

How it works

Simply bid lowest points that you think no one else will choose, here in this auction who makes the lowest unique bid is the winner. Winning bid will be the one which is low as well as unique which won't match with any other bid.

When will the auction closes? The auction will close when our stated maximum number of competing bids have been placed. For more details on this please read terms & conditions.

To make a successful Lowest Unique Bid, a participant may need to make:- Keep bidding using Grid and know instant results in a fraction of time. Continuously monitor your Lowest Bid which is shown in the Green Colored text in Grid.

Frequently check your email alerts sent by BidNow 2 GetFree. Use BidNow-Grid for Multiple Bids at a time. The more you bid ,more are the chances to win the product. Keep an eye on your bid values which you placed.

Bid by entering manual bid value 1. Enter your bid amount by typing you desired numeric value. 2. Numeric value should be not greater than product value. 3. Click on "BID NOW" button to submit your bid.

How to check wheather you submitted bid is lowest unique are not, reffer right hand side Bidnow Grid which gives you instant results,

Note:- Never discluse your bid value to anyone, for more details refer terms & conditions.

Bid by clicking on the grid

1. Keep on clicking on Bidnow Grid to submit your bid value. 2.After bidding you will get instand results. 3. Green Text - indicates Lowest Uniqe Bid 4. Yellow Text - indicates Lowest but not Unique Bid 5. Blue Text is for No lowest, No Unique. 6.Last but not least, Red text indicats Unique but not lowest bid

Bidnow Grid shows you instant results, it also updates whether you bid is winning bid or not.

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