Offers bargain on many items like furniture & food items

BizRate: Compare Prices, Product Reviews and Online Stores

Logo-bizrate-com.gif is a service that aims to allow consumers to make comparisons and find out information on any product that they are interested in. Visitors can do a quick search to find out whatever they want on the product of their choice. For example, one can put in a simple search term such as “sofas”. The user will be faced with a page with dozens of choices of sofas, as well as detailed information such as the price, reviews, and outlets at which the exact product can be bought. These same results can be attained for almost any search term imaginable.

Once the user has obtained a good and populated list of items on, he can check 3 of the items he wishes to compare. This gets rid of all of the rest of the search results, and compiles the checked items into a spreadsheet for easy comparison of statistics. All of the main statistics of the item are there. In the case of DVD movies, you will see the main actors, the release dates, the length, and the stores that the DVD is available at. There will also be a price range, from the lowest price found to the highest one. is very helpful for someone who wants to find out the best deal on a specific product, as well as someone who is just looking for a new product that they haven’t yet heard of. Since comparisons can be made so easily, allows for users to choose wisely between several different items. A clear winner can be determined when usually it may have been much harder to figure out which one is superior. This is why has a huge user base of consumers who want to make good choices with the aid of a very useful web service.

Additional Information and it's sister site are owned by the E.W. Scripps Company, well known and regarded for their string of newspapers and television stations under the header The Scripps Company also owns and operates the cable TV stations HGTV, the Food Network, Great American Country, the DIY Network and Fine Living.




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