provides a directory of manufacturers located around the world.

TradeKey Spain - B2B Leads for Spain

Es.TradeKey is an online B2B platform that allows Spanish traders to import and export products worldwide in Spanish language, conveniently and cost effectively.

About Spain TradeKey is an online business to business portal which specializes in facilitating global trade. Es.TradeKey has a dedicated Spanish trade portal that enables Spanish buyers and suppliers to trade conveniently in their own language in the global market. TradeKey believes in providing high quality and safe services to its registered members. Thus, TradeKey earned ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certifications to ensure that it continues to maintain international standards and data integrity.

Multiple Languages

As much as TradeKey understands the importance of a Spanish trade portal, also realizes that in order to attract traders from around the world, TradeKey must provide its services in many different languages. Hence, TradeKey didn’t limit itself to Spanish B2B trade portal. can be viewed in English language as well as many other languages.

Spanish Community Forum

Spanish traders can use TradeKey regional forums to talk about their country, industries, imports, exports or anything they like. Global traders can also talk to Spanish traders via TradeKey discussion forums.

Spanish Product Search

TradeKey Spanish B2B portal has a search bar that enables visitors to search for information. For example, product information can be acquired through product search.

Spanish Success Stories

To help Spanish traders fully understand the power of TradeKey, makes the success stories of its registered members live on the website. This is to help new visitors determine how TradeKey will change their lives as well.


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