Refractive Surgery

A procedure to decrease the refractive errors in the human eye by means of reshaping the cornea.[1]

Measuring Refraction

The amount of the correction needed to have the best distance vision for the eye is measured in units known as diopters and that measured result is referred as refractive error.

Conditions Treated

These are common conditions which are treated:

Types of Refractive Surgery

Refractive Surgery Options Available Today

Benefits of Refractive Surgery

  • In various occupations,such as flying,fire-fighting and police department which require visual acuity with out visual aids,refractive surgery plays a useful role.
  • Many people are also cautious due to cosmetic reasons so refractive surgery is the best solution for it and also simultaneously solves the dependency on visual aids sets.

Related Pages

For more information on refractive surgery, check out these pages:

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