Revision as of 23:56, 17 September 2009 by Justin Dechow (talk | contribs) (Family law practice areas)

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Short Law Firm: Divorce and family law attorneys

The divorce attorneys at Short Law Firm are experienced and knowledgeable in all aspects of family law. The sensitive nature of family law requires lawyers to be attentive to the needs of all parties, especially when children are involved. Its divorce lawyers offer a positive, energetic and helpful approach. They take the time to understand the nature of your case and listen to your needs as a client.

Family law practice areas

Short Law Firm's divorce attorneys handle the most complicated and complex family law matters. Its attorneys aggressively handle your case, while understanding the sensitive nature of family law. They have experience handling cases that include:


Plano office:
Phone: 972-964-9964
Fax: 972-964-9965
East Texas office:
Phone: 903-588-2166
Fax: 972-964-9965


Plano office:
Bank of America Building
Preston Pointe Centre
1400 Preston Road, Suite 280
Plano, TX 75093
East Texas office:
520 South Highway 37
Mt. Vernon, TX 75457

External Links

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