
Revision as of 17:28, 18 October 2007 by TedErnst (talk | contribs) (major shirt)

NotYet I think that this is part of a larger problem and realize the Kasey probably is saying it best in her concerns: Are the needs of the whole staff suited with this policy, or does it really only effect one set of our staff (ie those that didn't already buy their own laptops)?

In Portland we've all bought our own machines and have been using these for over a year, in Lahore it appears that the company has provided workstations (I could be wrong about this) but the staff there would like to have laptops. I feel we have completely different needs technologically (and we probably don't even know the landscape of what all these needs are); we need a policy/plan that addresses all of these instead of just one set of needs that doesn't apply to the other half of the staff.
We're a creative company full of creative ideas, what I'm looking for/hoping for here is some sort of "out of the box" solution that suits a variety of needs instead of "band aids" that only address some users concerns. Edit-chalk-10bo12.png edit

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