
Revision as of 07:30, 8 March 2008 by (talk) (Additional Information)

Avamods login logo.png


AvaMods - a day of defeat modified server community.


AvaMods is a community and team that runs the best modified day of defeat server on the planet.


Additional Information

AvaMods was originally part of cdrive for the past couple years, but due to gayness, they split off and formed their own team... you'll find them running esquisitely modified versions of maps and privately developed amxmodx plugins to expand apon the original game itself. on top of all that they also provide a community-like atmosphere on their website and their forums.

[EDIT] from someone who has played on the avamods server many times.

There also bad at the game and have a server full of total morons. Diamond Optic has to mod his dod server because he cant play on a default dod server, Otherwise he would end up with a 15 and 47 kill death ratio. Avamods is just another case of bad players with ZERO skill's saying "we play the game for fun", And they say that they play for fun because there bad at the game and just want to save face. Avamods along with the horribly run IVXXclan are two of thw worst dod servers/communities on the net.

Egotistical admins on a power trip that end up recruiting a bunch of immature prepubesent teens just to have a full server and to say their server is ranked in the top ten in the USA. In the future i will play on both of these servers with voice_loopback enabled, So i can record their admins doing what they do best, Being ignorant pathetic power trippers and living in their own small world abusing their powers because thats the only fun they can get from the game, because their bad at it.

If they were any good, And they were mature, Then they wouldn't have too have so many immature admins/clan members in their community and they could have fun at simply playing the game and not having to do all of that other lame crap in order to get their kicks.

Every time i go to either of these servers, All i hear are little kids talking smack to adults and chatting about smoking dope. I guess if you want to play on a server were immature kids as well as adults think that there on an equal footing with real adults just because their sitting behind daddys PC and every time you start to talk they spamm the mic with rap music in order to block you from stating the truth (that their total morons), Then these communities are for you.



External Links

Retrieved from "http://aboutus.com/index.php?title=AvaMods.com&oldid=14998972"