is virtual real estate assisant services and solutions

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Real estate professionals, your help has arrived. The growing VA Contact Corp. was established in 2008 by Lori Isachsen. A real estate virtual assistant and online business management coach providing virtual services through various forms of communication such as email, phone, fax, and others to get the job done. Our clients enjoy effective real estate business solutions to increase their profits and focus where they need to. Realtors have current buyers and sellers, past clients to connect with, office paperwork, systems to implement, new technology to stay on top of, business accounting and so much more. Constantly changing gears and never the same day twice is what makes your real estate life exciting. We're here because of you and our goal is to support customers in taking care of the tasks you hate doing. Through our knowledge, skills, high quality customer service, dedication, strict confidentiality and professionalism to get administratvie task done and make your real estate business successful. So stop struggling and focus on being a realtor and get the help you need with a real estate assistant. Shorten your path to success in your real estate business through sharing and hands on expertise.


VA Contact’s virtual real estate assistant’s are professionals dedicated and motivated to unleash the untapped potential in your business while we maximize your effectiveness and your free time. Our customers enjoy experienced, industry knowledgeable and trained assistance with one time projects or “on the go” support. Real Estate Professionals are each uniquely different, so our services are individually tailored to meet your specific needs, ranging from basic office support to highly specialized project or business management solutions. So many Real Estate Professionals make the mistake of waiting until they’re buried by the workload before they add assistant support to their real estate business. Don’t wait until you’re overwhelmed, we’ll dig you out faster than you can possibly imagine! Send us and email NOW [1] to find out how we can move you from working IN your business to working ON your real estate business.

--VAContact 11:36, 25 March 2010 (PDT)Lori Isachsen, VA Certified, Real Estate Assistant and Online Business Management Coach

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