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Immigration & Overpopulation Issues - Californians for Population Stabilization CAPS


Californians for Population Stabilization (CAPS) works to formulate and advance policies and programs designed to stabilize the population of California at a level which will preserve a good quality of life for all Californians.

California has become the state of immigration. Since the beginning of our state's existence, immigrants have helped business and contributed to the economy. And they've become our neighbors. But the constant influx of new immigrants has gotten out of control. Each new person that settles here is straining our environment, infrastructure and quality of life. We have to act soon to correct this.

As Californians, we are painfully aware of overcrowding and obviously concerned about excess traffic, the deteriorating environment, overcrowded schools and health care costs. The primary cause of these problems is too many people overtaking our finite resources. America's immigration policy doesn't take this core issue into account when it allows one and a half million immigrants a year to settle in this country. Californians and other Americans need to come together and find a way to protect this land we call home.

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