Divorce Mediator Camarillo CA

Revision as of 05:20, 20 February 2016 by Keyanu Accounteeves (talk | contribs) (logo updated)

Pacific Mediation Group

Are you thinking about getting a divorce but don't know where to turn or are worried about the costs? Before you take a single step you should contact our divorce mediator from Pacific Mediation Group. We understand that not every relationship can be fixed but we want you to . . . “Take Control, Stay Out Of Court!”

Going through a divorce is stressful enough without the litigation in time in court, the custody hearings and facing the judge and facing the one you want to get away from. Our divorce mediator can help make the divorce go more smoothly and can speak to each party as much as is needed to find a more amicable divorce without all the courtroom drama and costs. Coming to a divorce mediator doesn't mean we are going to try and talk you into staying married it means you have someone here at Pacific Mediation Group, who will support your decision and can speak for you on a legal level and deal with the petition so you don't have to deal with it all alone.

For a quick and amicable divorce call our divorce mediator at 805-302-9572 today. Pacific Mediation Group in Camarillo, CA offers you the support you need as you take this difficult journey.


Pacific Mediation Group in Camarillo, CA offers a sensible approach to divorce, child custody, real estate disputes, and more. Our divorce mediator can help mediate in landlord and tenant disputes, legal name changes, will writing, and more. Call 805-302-9572 to find out more about our available services:

  • Divorce Mediation
  • Legal Name Change
  • Child Custody Advocacy
  • Legal Separation Representation
  • Real Estate Dispute Resolution
  • Landlord & Tenant Issues
  • Education Dispute Resolution
  • Will Writing Services

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