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The Cornbury Society


Much has been written about crossdressers - probably more of it fiction than fact. There are few accurate statistics on how many closeted crossdressers there are, for obvious reasons. Still, some analysis is possible based on those crossdressers who are out enough to stand up and be counted. Some results are to be expected; others may surprise you - and some defy explanation. Here are a few interesting numbers, compiled from a 1990 survey published in "Crossdressing with Dignity" by Peggy Rudd, 1993. The survey included 817 respondents.

And my favourite unexplained anomaly: among the general population, one person in ten is left-handed. Among crossdressers, the ratio is one in three. Why?

What kinds of people do it?

Cross-dressing cuts across all social, economic, ethnic, occupational and religious boundaries. Sexual orientation has no observable relation to it; the proportion of gays, lesbians and straight people among crossdressers is virtually identical to the proportions among the general population. There are men who dress as women and women who dress as men.

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