
Revision as of 06:28, 6 August 2007 by (talk) (Staff)


Jappleng News - Best Served With Breakfast!

Jappleng News is more than just delivering the day-to-day news from Japan internationally. Jappleng also brings everything that-is Japan into one massive entertainment and education website. Study Japanese ranging from general topics such as History, Geography, Anime, to everyday Japan Life! topics such as J-Pop, Manga, Japanese influences and of course a vast library of material to study Japanese fluently.

Jappleng has an innovative concept in its teaching methods to accelerate your learning from years to shortening it to months of studying. One of Jappleng’s key-features is the ability to communicate with fellow members anywhere from the website and external software such as the Interactive Dance and Chat (IDC). Comment on Articles, Editorials, and take part of the Community Forums and share common interests while learning about Japan and its language. Read further for detailed information about various portions of the Jappleng world.

Corporate Details

Jappleng News was once thought to be an LLP (Limited Liability Partnership) because it was designed and created by two-people (Mark and Peyton). However there is no current evidence to state what kind of legal company (if any) Jappleng News is. It has been expressed numerous times that Jappleng News is a product under Panovation Studios. No further confirmed information is given at this time.


Jappleng News has a tremendous amount of sections and sub-sections. The following are the primary sections of the website.

Main (Front Page)
Jappleng News (Home)
RSS Feeds[RSS]
Help Page [?]
Login / Logout
User Submissions
Contact Us
Sponsors (Investors)
Privacy Policy
Terms of Use

Known Major Features on Jappleng

Bubaru Kana
Arkado (Verify the spelling of this)
Jask (Tentative Title)
Project Social Center
Project Open-Otaku
Japan Life!

Rumored Sections

LiveCast (This was seen on an early development screenshot from October 2006)

Within these sections there are over a hundred different sub-sections including iradio / podcasts, games, and JPLearn.


Cited from the DEV Forums on May 29th 2007

Mark Greig – Project and Graphic designer, founder & current owner.
Emmanuel Peyton – Project Developer, Software Designer, Lead Programmer.
?????? - Software Programmer. (To be Announced)
Eichi - Secondary Programmer.

Michelle C. – Senior Editor, Writer and Moderator.
Lindsey - Senior Editor, Writer, and Global Moderator.
Sheeva H. - Writer and Global Moderator.
Sergey T. – Writer and Global Moderator.
Sukotto – Writer and Global Moderator.
Tony - Writer and Global Moderator.
?????? - Writer. (To be Announced)

?????? - 3Dimensional Artist and Animator. (To be Announced)
Pending - CGI Artist. (To be Announced)
Mario S. - 2D Sprite Artist.

?????? - Male Voice Talent (To be Announced)
J. - Female Voice Talent

Arnold – Global Moderator.
Ronoxq – Global Moderator.
JPL_CHN - Global Moderator.

Easter Eggs

Various Easter Eggs can be found around Jappleng's website. Bellow are a list of known Easter Eggs, although there may be more that are still yet to be discovered.

YinYen Hunt Challenge!!! - Every now-and-then, there are episodes of "YinYen Hunt Challenge!!!" located in random locations of both the website and the forums. Often this is simple trivia related or not related to the section where it was asked. The first to reply correctly is generally the winner, however different Challenges may differ. The tougher the challenge, the more 'YinYen' is given if answered correctly.
The Jappleng Toybox - Various hidden features or "behind the scenes" material are located in the Jappleng Toybox. You can find the Toybox url at http://www.jappleng.com/toybox/ however, it is just an empty splash screen with no links attached to it. All Toybox materials can be found throughout the Jappleng Network. Japleng.com - Visit http://www.japleng.com/ and you should see a spelling mistake page "You have misspelled Jappleng. You typed in Japleng.com which is missing an extra p."
Promo Flash menu - Right click on the Promo flash file on the main page (prior to release) and a menu will show up with two items: "There is no Easter-Egg here I swear!" and underneath of it "Best Served With Breakfast". Click on the first item and it will bring you to http://www.jappleng.com/easter.html with an interesting message explaining that there really is no Easter-Eggs around but if you check http://www.japleng.com/ you might find something interesting.
Mandy's birthday? - In an early promotional screenshot regarding the Jappleng Forums, you can see that Mandy Crabs's birthday is actually Mark Greig's (Founder) Birthdate (September 5th).
Source Code Fun - In June 2006 the home page of Jappleng had a comment within it quote: "Japple is like apples, but very fuzzy and clean!". What it means is up to your imagination.
Domains, Domains - Jappleng has many domains. .com, .net, and .org including the japleng.com domain name. Other related domains include Panovation.com | adventchores.com | Pinchy.tv .

Additional Information


Jappleng is Releasing June 19th! Are you ready for this?

Community Reviews

Related Domains

External Links

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