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What I can do - I will -


I was born in June of 1977 in Hempstead, Texas; I was adopted shortly thereafter. I grew up in Richardson, Texas, but moved to Waxahachie, Texas, right before my eighth grade year in school. I lived in Waxahachie until I graduated with honors from Waxahachie High in 1995. The summer of 1995 found me in Asserri, Costa Rica, where I spent a month doing mission work. That fall, I began studies at the University of North Texas, where I majored (first in psychology then) in Political Science with a minor in German. I became involved with the College Republicans in 1996, and through that was able to help out at/work on innumerous campaigns, from local elections to Presidential elections. In 1999, I had the honor of attending the inauguration and inaugural ball for George W. Bush and Rick Perry. Perhaps the biggest highlight of my college years, besides all the political goodies, came in 1998, when I spent one month in Luneburg, Germany, as part of a student-exchange program.

It was also in 1998 that I first became aware of the POW/MIA issue. I cannot begin to describe how I became so deeply involved in this issue. Certainly, when I "adopted" my first two MIA's, I never thought how much of my life would be devoted to promoting this issue, doing what I could to honor those who have yet to return, or to be so compassionate about an issue to which I am not directly connected. You see, until 2000 or thereabouts, I really did not know very many Vietnam Veterans. I remember seeing the POW/MIA flag as a kid, but did not understood what it stood for. In other words, I had no prior connections to either the war or the men (and woman) who are still unaccounted for it ... yet I have this passion that burns deep inside me, to do what I can to honor their memory, to make sure they are not forgotten, to get their stories out, and to also be a pillar of support for those who did make it back, who want to talk to someone who really cares. Yet for all this confusion on how exactly I got so involved, I never regret becoming involved.

I could go into more detail about all of this, my involvement, but this site in itself serves that purpose. Instead, I will give more tidbits about me, show the "other" side of me beyond my involvement in this issue. My other main passion in life is photography. I have a site devoted to my photography, and while I doubt I will ever have work published in a major circulation, I do consider myself a good photographer. Reading is something else I greatly enjoy. I try to read a variety of books, from the classics (Les Miserables, A Tale of Two Cities, Dante's The Divine Comedy) to the philosophical (political philosophy, that is) to the Great Book (aka The Bible), but I find myself time and again coming back to the same author - Dame Agatha Christie. I cannot get enough of her books; indeed, I own copies of 90% of her works, at least, and read and reread the books frequently.

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