Community Watercooler

Revision as of 19:57, 18 November 2009 by MarkDilley (talk | contribs)

Become part of the AboutUs family

AboutUs is a wiki for and about businesses and organizations, with info on websites and your community. Come see why the knowledge of many makes us one of the fastest-growing and most powerful sites on the web today. Anybody can edit our pages, it's Easy!


While we have many non-wiki ways to connect with folks in the community below, you can certainly connect with people without ever leaving the wiki. Talk pages are for leaving other people messages. Specifically you can leave a message or question for one of our active community members or staff.


Join the AboutUs chat room. It is an older internet technology (Internet Relay Chat IRC), but it allows folks to interact with each other in real time and we like that. It is hosted by MICCAS and if someone is online - you can type 'help' or 'hello' to get their attention. (Alternatively, you can also use the service).


Twitter is a good way to connect publicly. Many AboutUs community folks tweet and you can find TwitterIcon.png Twitter company account too.


Connect with folks on the facebook.png Facebook fan page. AboutUs often makes announcements, post photos or asks questions here.


Our abdd12b5fb6b094ad1d562cd313c3290.png: [}}} GetSatisfaction] is another public way for people to post questions, problems, ideas and praise for You can answer other peoples questions there as well.


Yes, we've got a blog, and someone in our company insists on calling it a weblog, asserting that 'blog' is just an ugly word. 4e3ff5ecdecd3e14d9f89db51c5a1425.png: [}}} RSS Feed]


To subscribe to the low-volume community mailing list, send an email to, if you are daring, check out the Google Group page. You can also email AboutUs directly at:


We see lots of websites that have no contact information, here is ours: 1-800-AboutUs Simple 92px.png


Every few months AboutUs send's out the skinny of what's new and exciting on since the last newsletter.

Snail Mail

Friends don't let friends mail snails. However, if you'd like to support the postal service, put your note inside a box of homemade cookies and send to:
107 SE Washington Ste 520
Portland, Oregon 97214
United States of America

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