
Revision as of 04:27, 23 July 2007 by TedErnst (talk | contribs) (let's have conversation here: Projects:ConsensusPollTour)





Consensus Polling is an online decision-making process that allows groups to make creative decisions that just about everyone feels good about, resulting in decisions that last. Consensus polling allows everyone to work together to craft a collaborative solution themselves (not simply advise the decision-making body). Consensus polling leaves communities feeling "whole," rather than in conflict, as with some other methods.

Potential new members have the power to “tweak” the group’s agenda or objectives, to their liking, so they care enough to join the group. This is much better than having static terms of engagement and a voting process that too often leaves members powerless to change anything and might convince them not to join at all.

Why does consensus polling work?

  • Consensus polling gives people a chance to efficiently express their views.
  • The decisions made through consensus polling are almost unanimous.
  • The process takes place in the open, where everyone can see what's happening and how it is progressing.
  • Participants are the decision-makers.

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