Revision as of 00:43, 13 June 2012 by Steven P Monaghan (talk | contribs)

Divorce is a serious issue and should be overseen by a knowledgeable and experienced attorney. The Law Offices of Steven P. Monaghan exists to help individuals through the divorce process as seamlessly as possible. When you come to this firm, you will receive the help you need from a New Jersey divorce lawyer. An attorney at the firm has experience with alimony/spousal support issues. In addition, if you need help with the enforcement of orders or asset division, you will find the help you are looking for when you come to this law firm. An attorney at this office has experience with high net worth divorce and contested divorce. You will also receive the help you are looking for in regards to child custody and child support issues. A lawyer at the office will help you work through complications with post-nuptial agreements and pre-nuptial agreements. If you are wondering if you have grounds for divorce, a lawyer at the office will assist you. In addition, you will receive the assistance required for cases of annulment or domestic violence. An attorney at the law office can also provide you with divorce mediation if your case calls for it. Mediation can be particularly helpful if the couple is unable or unwilling to pursue mutually satisfactory resolutions on their own. The mediator’s task is to provide unbiased assistance in helping the couple make important decisions. A lawyer at the office can also help you with legal separation. This option is sometimes used by couples for religious reasons. It may also be employed if the couple wants to come back together again after a certain amount of time. If you need help with the modification of custody, the modification of support, or the modification of orders, you will find the help you are looking for when you come to this law office. You can contact a divorce attorney in New Jersey at the law office to learn more.

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