
Currently available:  Free job search in our job bank! Click on the link that says "JOB BANK" to begin your search. You can do a search in the search box located on the right hand of the page. Employers: Advertise your job opening with us.  

Services:  self (life) improvement coaching, career coaching, outplacement job skill coaching, and  Free job search in our job bank! In addition resume samples, job hunting books, job hunting software, resume templates are being added daily.

Job Hunting Software, Job hunting books, portfolio templates are offered as well. We want YOU to have the best portfolio/virtual resume and even small business website as possible. Quick Tips For Job Interview Preparation By: Malka Maxwell

Enough cannot be said about the importance of job interview preparation. When you are stressed about a getting job preparation is probably the most often over looked step in the whole process.

There are five areas in the process of job interview preparation that many over look.

1.Providing little information. In the job interview process the questions an interviewer ask are really for the interviewer to see how you think. When asked about on the job success, case studies or details regarding technical jobs, take the time to explain the process you took to arrive at your success.

2.Show enthusiasm. When feeling stressful it is hard sometimes to smile, but do it. It is a great relief, and it will make you seem more enthusiastic. Other things you can do to show your enthusiasm is to make eye contact while you are speaking.

3.Relax. It sounds like a cliché, however it helps. When you are relaxed you are able to be yourself, and to answer questions in a clam manner.

4.Focus. You will be giving answers to questions, listening to new information you want to be able to take it all in. You may even want to repeat some of the information when you answer questions.

This was written by Malka Maxwell © 2010 How To Get Ahead With Resumes. This article is for commercial use. If you are using this on another website,please make reference to this site.

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