is a US based marketing research firm


Market Research Reports - Industry Analysis: MarketsandMarkets


MarketsandMarkets, a research and consulting firm now onto publishing, is producing high level strategically analysed full reports about 120 a year tracking more than 10 industries. By this year end, MarketsandMarkets will launch industry wise, country wise market tracker reports, about 60,000 reports a year, building one of the largest business intelligence resource worldwide. MarketsandMarkets has effectively used technology to cut down the cost of production of the reports to manage large complex market data tables, format reports, and handle forecast. The analyst working with MarketsandMarkets come from the renowned publishers and market research firms globally adding their expertise and domain understanding. We get the facts from over 22,000 news and information sources, a database of hundred thousand of key industry participants and draw on our relationship with more than 900 market research companies globally. We, at MarketsandMarkets, are inspired to help our clients grow by providing apt business insight with our huge market intelligence repository.

MarketsandMarkets tracks more than ten industries including

   * Healthcare
   * Pharmaceuticals
   * Biotechnology
   * Medical devices
   * Electronics
   * Semiconductor
   * Energy & power supplies
   * Chemicals
   * Advanced materials
   * Food & beverages
   * Consumer goods
   * Industrial Automation
   * IT & Telecom

MarketsandMarkets enjoys a minimum market share of over 16.6% worldwide in terms of number of reports published on the topics related to life-sciences and the high-end technologies in drug discovery, drug delivery, drug development, medical equipment technologies.

MarketsandMarkets’s reports- Worldwide, market research reports are primarily sold for numbers, market segmentation and competitive landscape, within the business leaders. MarketsandMarkets reports are equipped with more than 120 market data summary tables, in-depth segmentation up to level 5 for each of the products, services, applications, technologies, ingredients and stakeholders categories. Our reports of about 250 pages analyze about 200 patents, over 50 companies and micro markets which are collectively exhaustive but mutually exclusive.

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We provide in-depth expert analysis and market forecasts for all the leading technologies in genomics, proteomics, biomaterials and bioinformatics which constitute the new era in biotechnology.


Our reports track the markets for leading technologies: tissue engineering and genetic engineering in addition to other emerging technologies such as biobanking, synthetic biology and neuroscience.


We provide expert market analysis on micro fluidic chip technology which leads the proteomic market. Other important technologies like protein chips, high performance liquid chromatography and 2D gel electrophoresis.


Market for biocompatible materials are one of the prime focus of our studies along with other emerging technologies such as nanotechnology, Collagen & Hyaluronic Acid based biocompatible materials and Specialty Biopolymers.


We study & analyze the market for all the emerging technologies & software like molecular structure database, physical mapping software, sequence alignment tools and structural analysis tools.


MARKETSANDMARKETS extensively covers wide arena of pharma industry that is evidencing significant growth due to continued technological developments in the area of diagnosis and drug discovery.

Drug Discovery

MARKETSANDMARKETS extensively tracks and updates market data on key market such as protein markets, mass spectrometry, electrophoresis market, pharmacogenomics, high throughput screening (HTS) and other core technologies that enable the pharma companies in reducing the development cost and increase efficiency.

Drug Development

MARKETSANDMARKETS offers micro level research on drug development market that encompasses key markets such as pharmacokinetics, lab automation, biosensors and detection technologies, imaging technologies, microfluidics and others.

Drug delivery

MARKETSANDMARKETS provides valuable research in segments that are inviting increased investments such as drug delivery market. The key technologies in this segment such as non-invasive and nanotechnology protein delivery systems, neuroprotection markets, pain therapeutics, drug delivery systems market, insulin delivery systems and others are extensively monitored by MARKETSANDMARKETS.

Clinical Diagnostics

MARKETSANDMARKETS focuses on dynamic segments such as clinical diagnostics that are going through continuous development with emergence of new technologies. Under this segment MARKETSANDMARKETS provides research on markets that include molecular diagnostics, reagent market, services market, invitro diagnostics (IVD), clinical laboratory instrumentation, Point-of-Care and other markets.




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