is the social network for food!

MealZeal aims to connect people in order to share recipes, cooking tips, cooking advice and food-based images.

Why was it established?

MealZeal was initially established as a means of sharing recipes with individuals, friends, family and the public. It served as a better alternative to emails, by giving users a pre-defined template through which to write their recipes. This template automatically formatted the data into a nice recipe page, as would be seen in a cookbook. It was from this initial idea, that MealZeal expanded further.

What changed over time?

Following the initial idea for recipes, MealZeal expanded into sharing cooking tips. This meant that people could submit their cooking tips into a stream of tips which could be accessed by anybody. This section is designed more for the inexperienced chef, wanting to gain some basic knowledge about how to cook. For example, one could search for "cook steak", and they would be presented with a few short tips which assist in cooking your first steak. What this does, is allows various users of different experience levels in the kitchen to all communicate and share their knowledge and experiences with each other.

Furthermore, a blogging section was added to MealZeal. This is a simple section which allows aspiring bloggers to start their first food-based blog from within the website, free of charge. This is beneficial as it means aspiring bloggers need no experience in designing a website, and don't need to pay the costs of web hosting. Everything is done by MealZeal, for the bloggers and their followers.

Most recently, an image section was added to MealZeal. This allows food photographers to share their images, and receive feedback from the users of MealZeal. To date, this section, although added fairly recently, is already the most popular.

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