is America's #1 personal training studio.


No gimmicks, no overnight promises. Just plenty of real results. If gimmicks and fad diets worked, you’d see a lot more people in much better shape. The fact is, getting fit takes time, skill and focus. At Fitness Together Santa Monica, we produce real results from one simple formula: one client, one trainer and one goal. With our customized fitness and nutrition programs and the help of your own certified personal trainer, you’ll be taking the right steps to reaching your fitness goals. PRIVATE TRAINING GETS RESULTS. GIMMICKS DON'T. About Fitness together Santa Monica the leader in personal training Established in 1996, Fitness Together Franchise Corporation has led the industry for one-on-one personal fitness training. Whether you are looking to lose weight, tone and tighten muscles or simply work toward better health, Fitness Together pairs you with a personal trainer in a private setting equipped with a workout plan tailored just for you.In addition to your personal fitness training regimen, Fitness Together offers nutritional guidance and a cardiovascular routine to help you attain your wellness goals.And with almost 400 franchise locations throughout the United States, Brazil, Costa Rica, Israel, Ireland, and Canada, Fitness Together is part of Fitness Together Holdings, Inc., one of the world's largest wellness organizations.At Fitness Together, we are about one client, one trainer and one goal.[1]

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