Title (Supreme Hardcore) - Free Video Sites and Previews


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Adult Blog: Supreme Hardcore opened the door, inviting me in. Inside I could hear the music of a popular TV show playing, and the sound of ice in a glass. As we entered the apartment, another redhead came around the corner, wearing a pair of scruffy cutoffs and an overly large T-shirt with a "New Kids" logo on the front. Lynn introduced me to Leslie, her little sister. I caught myself, and smiled, gracefully saying hello while trying to figure this out. For Leslie wasn't more than a month past her sixteenth birthday. Yet, for all her youth, she was just as sexy, alluring, and just as beautiful as her older sister. The resemblance was pronounced, right down to a similar freckle pattern on their cheeks. "Well, you didn't seem too surprised." Lynn said. "Did you see his eyes though?" Leslie giggled, a sound like music. "I expected all sorts of flustering." Lynn smirked. "Care for a drink? I've got beer in the fridge." "Beer's fine." I said. Leslie waved her hand and Supreme Hardcore invited me to sit in the living room. The apartment was small, but neat and well done. Lynn came out and handed me the beer, then slipped into my lap, curling up and snuggling into me. Again, it felt great. Lynn told Leslie about the car show, saying it was a shame Leslie had to work most of the day. Over the next hour or so, I found out that their parents had died two years ago, and that left Lynn to raise her sister. From appearances, she was doing a very good job of it. Leslie seemed to be much older, much more sophisticated than her years. Leslie excused herself politely, leaving us alone for a few minutes. Lynn kissed me, a long passionate kiss that got my blood pounding, before she whispered into my ear.
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