Transcribes online events or recorded media.

Title - Verbatim Instant Transcripts


Real person, real good, and look! Before "peak oil" and before "peak AOL" (America Online) VerbatimIT provided world-class transcription services.

For real people needing real precision in their video closed-captions, transcripts or both -- pronto.

VerbatimIT has tried, but does not rely on automated software voice recognition systems to create excellent results.

Verbatim, instant, transcripts, media, VHS, DVD, CDROM, AV,MP2,MP3,MP4, cassette, microcasette, Phillips magazine, reel-to-reel, cartridge, archival media, teledictation, telecon, conference, focus groups, interviews, one-on-one, 1-on-1, memories, memoirs, interviewing, journalist, journalists, reporting, reporters, dictate, dictating, science, technology, digital, analog, ftp, world peace.


VerbatimIT Verbatim Instant Transcripts
5487 rue Saint-Urbain
Montreal QC
Canada H2T 2W8

Additional Information

Alan Kelly, founder, owner, operator

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