is an auto insurance agency in Azusa, CA.


Multi - Auto Insurance Services provides auto insurance in Azusa, CA as well as other insurance coverage options. We are a unique company where you can receive auto insurance coverage, DMV services and tax preparation under one roof.

Whether you have a perfect driving record or a few infractions, cheap auto insurance is something that every driver wants. At Multi - Auto Insurance Services we can find the lowest auto insurance quote so that you can save money on your car insurance. We provide not only auto insurance coverage but commercial insurance for businesses, homeowners insurance, motorcycle insurance, property and casualty insurance.

Instead of waiting in line all day at the DMV, you can take advantage of our DMV services. We can perform license plate renewal, registration tag renewal, title changes, plate changes and more. We are also a convenient place to get personal income tax services including e-file, tax preparation and tax reports. Right now we are offering a $50 coupon toward your auto insurance. Also, with the purchase of insurance, there is no fee for DMV registration. Call us for auto insurance or any other services at 626-334-0109. Se habla Español.

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