A Preservation Trust Saving America's Civil War Battlefields


The Civil War Preservation Trust is America's largest non-profit organization 501(c)(3) devoted to the preservation of our nation's endangered Civil War battlefields. The Trust's mission is to promote educational programs and heritage tourism initiatives to inform the public of the war’s history and the fundamental conflicts that sparked it.


The Battle Of Chancellorsville - Three days before the historic Battle of Chancellorsville, Major General Joseph Hooker led the V,VI and VII Corps on a campaign to turn the the Confederate left flank by crossing the Rappahannock and Rapidan Rivers above Fredericksburg. Passing the Rapidan via Germanna and Ely’s Fords, the Federals concentrated near Chancellorsville on April 30 and May 1.
Read More About The Battle Of Chancellorsville

Battle Of Chancellorsville
April 30 - May 6, 1863

Battle of Fort Sumter April 12-14, 1861
The Battle of Antietam Sharpsburg September 16-18, 1862
The Battle of Gettysburg July 1-3, 1863
The Battle of Chickamauga September 18-20, 1863
The Third Battle of Chattanooga November 23-25, 1863

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Land Preservation Of Civil War Battlefields

The Fight For Our Future Land Preservation - Civil War battlefields are part of our national heritage, scenes of struggle and sacrifice where American soldiers lost their lives. Civil War Preservation Trust efforts work to preserve these “hallowed grounds,” as Abraham Lincoln called them, to educate future generations about them and teach them appreciation of their hard-won freedom.

Civil War History Education

Teaching & Learning About The Civil War - Educating Americans about the legacy of the Civil War is the foundation to our efforts to battlefield preservation. offers a vast collection of history resources for teachers, students and history enthusiasts—to learn about the war and its impact on American history.

Gifts & Apparel That Support The Battlefields

At the Civil War Preservation Trust's online store you can find a wide variety of Civil War Preservation Trust logo apparel and gifts for those who care about America's Civil War battlefields. Help save America's Civil War battlefield, proceeds from online sales will be used to purchase more of our nation's hallowed ground.

Take Action To Preserve America's History

Support Civil War Preservation Trust - About 20% of America's Civil War battlefields have already been destroyed and 15% of the remaining are protected by National Parks. The Civil War Preservation Trust is a national organization that works to save all these battlefields.

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