


Kevin Lawrence is a business coach who is driven by a relentless passion for helping entrepreneurs and business leaders Get What They Really Want, Now - in business and in life.

Whether you’re facing a major obstacle, dealing with tough decisions, looking to capitalize on a massive opportunity, or wanting to slow down and have more fun enjoying what you’ve created, Coach Kevin can help. His strategies, style and savvy approach have helped his clients increase revenue, profitability and productivity; build higher caliber teams; attract ideal (and eliminate headache) clients; and, reduce stress levels and hours worked so that they are freed up to live their personal version of outrageous quality of life.

Interested in working with Coach Kevin? Sign up for a complimentary test drive and find out if Kevin is right for you.


SGI Synergy Group Inc.
Vancouver BC
Canada V6C 1A1
604 313-2229

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