
Coffee Classics, merchants of delicious, fresh, Specialty (gourmet) Coffee and Tea.


Excerpted from the website:

Coffee Classics coffee comes from the classic growing areas of the world. Many of our coffees like our Colombian Supremo, La Minita Estate (Costa Rica), Ethiopian Harrar, Kenya AA, Kona Fancy, Jamaican Blue Mountain, Guatemalan Antigua, Mexican Altura, Sumatra Mandheling, Zimbabwe and others are single origin coffees and represent the best examples of their type. Our great coffees come from mountainous areas having just the right weather conditions and volcanic soil. It is high grown, generally 3000 to 6000 feet above sea level. It is all arabica and comes from farms so inaccessible that only agile workers and their animals can reach the trees to tend them and pick the ripe coffee fruit by hand.
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